HTML elements to Boost page Ranks

February 8, 2007 at 6:15 am 2 comments

In order to tap into the power of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) elements, you first need to know what they are. In HTML, elements are bits of markup that tell a web browser to display or format parts of web pages. For example, <p> means paragraph, and <b> means bold – there are plenty more. These elements are used constantly when writing web pages. You should basically think of your HTML elements as the organizational and visual formatting of your HTML document.

By learning HTML, you can tap into the power of HTML elements and create a more interesting website as well as tipping off search engines as to what the most important information on your web page is. Many people starting out on the web just use ‘easy editors’ (also known as WYSIWYG for what you see is what you get) that show the page as it will appear, without ever looking at the code that the page is actually made from. This is fine if you intend to distribute and are only interested in the look of the page. Visually artistic people are often drawn to using WYSIWYG (pronounced wise-ee-wig) editors when creating their web pages because it allows them to see exactly what they are doing and frees them from the time consuming task of learning HTML.

The structure of HTML is based on logic, order, and syntax and is, therefore, relatively simple to use. To make a heading, you use the heading elements (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, and so on up to <h6>). To start a new paragraph, you use a paragraph element (<p>). To format a list, you use a list element (start with <ul> then use <li>). In order to learn HTML it is a good idea to go to As XHTML is gaining more and more popularity among web masters (and search engines) it may be a good idea to learn that instead. XHTML is basically a more standardized version of HTML and it is worth learning. If you learn XHTML along with CSS, you will have be able to make extremely powerful web pages.

Once you understand that all you’re doing is providing these simple structures, you realize the understated power of HTML. You see, once your HTML structure is in place with the appropriate markup, you can add CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets) for visual presentation, using a graphics design program. Good elements provide meaning and structure to your content, making it simple to add whatever design you want afterwards.

That said, the most important HTML elements (also called tags) that you will run into are <title> and <h1> (through <h6>). Whatever you put between <title> and </title> is what appears in the blue margin at the top of the browser. This is also what search engines use as the link text to your site. Your title should be relatively descriptive and include as many key words as it can without becoming abrasive. Seven or eight words is generally a good length for the title of a web page.

Next are the <h1> tags. Generally, when you are trying to optimize a web page for the search engine you will use this as a subheading. Header tags (h1-h6) are all weighted by search engines as more important than regular text because the search engine assumes that you will only make text larger if it is important. This is a good rule to live by. If you place your subheading within a header tag you will probably get slightly better search results for the key words in this subheading. Remember that the difference between the way that a search engine sees an <h1> tag and an <h2> tag is minuscule so set your header numbers based on visual preference rather than search engine standards.

Another tag that is very important is the <a> tag (or anchor tag). This tag is used to link to other web pages and it is invaluable to your web page because search engines like to see relevant links on your web site. Make sure that you only link to relevant sites, and while your at it, try to get a return link so that your page rank increases.

Other tags such as <b> (bold) tags and <i> (italics) tags will also help out. You can put these around your key words or less important subheadings. These won’t do quite as much for you, but they will definitely help to some extent and should be utilized when practical.

The difference between your site and other sites of equal page rank and similar material will be how well you utilize HTML elements to exemplify your work. You can very easily modify your web site so that things stick out where they should. Solid knowledge of HTML is your best friend when you are performing SEO activities. Remember, “If you build it, they will come.”

Some Guidelines for Using HTML Elements.

While the BLOCKQUOTE element is intended for longer quotations and Q is intended for shorter quotations, the Q element causes all sorts of problems because it’s not very widely supported. You shouldn’t use it at the moment – hopefully next-generation browsers will support it.

The BR element is one of the more abused ones. If you understand how HTML works, you should realize that its use is rarely justified: use the P element for paragraphs instead of using the BR element to provide paragraph-like breaks.

Now that you’re armed with some simple information, you should consider learning more about HTML and how to use it. You used to need to learn HTML before you could create a web page, and that gave a lot of people the edge when it came to more advanced web design and development later on. If you want to catch up, you need to know what you’re doing on the technical side of things.

Entry filed under: SEO, SEO concepts, SEO tutorials.

Value of Links Free Directory Submissions Listings

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